
​Federal Disclosures
The Stevens Amendment is a federal law found in H.R. 6157 that requires funding information to be included on all projects or programs using federal funds. It is intended to provide transparency for taxpayers and ensure federally funded research and work are properly credited.​This web page lists how the Workforce Investment Board of Tulare County (WIB) uses federal grant money to fund its work.
Subrecipient and Grantee Requirements
Subrecipient & Grantee Requirements All award recipients must acknowledge federal funding in documents that communicate funding, such as press releases, requests for proposals, bid invitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or part with federal funds. This includes funding from the Department of Labor and the Department of Education.​Documents that communicate funding may include:
Award Announcements
Bid Solicitations
Marketing materials (PowerPoints announcing funding)
Press Releases (communicating funding, announcing a new activity or program with funding)
Social media content (communicating funding, announcing a new activity or program with funding)
Website content (communicating funding, announcing a new activity or program with funding)
Annual Reports
Program Year 23/24 | Percentage Federally Funded | Total Federal Funding | Funding Source |
* Employment and Training Administration with U.S. Department of Labor funds.
The following programs/projects are funded using a combination of Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Services funds:
Pathways to Industrial Careers, HR Hotline, Recruitment Assistance, UpSkill, Labor Market Data, Tulare County Job Fair, INNOVATORS by Design
Funding Disclosure Template
What form should the acknowledgment statement take on documents that communicate funding?
This (GRANT/PROGRAM) is fully funded by the (Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor) as a part of an award totaling (total funding).
This opportunity is 50% funded by the (Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor) as part of an award totaling (total funding) and 50% with funds from (a State of California grant).
This project is 100% federally funded in the amount of (total funding amount).
WIB Boilerplate Language
What language should be used when documents and materials do not specifically communicate funding?
Employment Connection is substantially funded by federal funding, for more information go to: www.tularewib.org/disclosures
youth@work is substantially funded by federal funding, for more information go to: www.tularewib.org/disclosures
(Insert Grant Name) is substantially funded by federal funding, for more information go to: www.tularewib.org/disclosures