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Community IMPACT

Welcome to our Annual Report, a comprehensive reflection on the milestones, achievements, and impactful initiatives that have shaped our organization's journey throughout the year. In these pages, we invite you to delve into the heart of our mission and discover the compelling stories that unfold within our community.

2022-2023 Annual Report

Empowering Progress: A Year of Impact and Growth

As I reflect on our year at the Workforce Investment Board of Tulare County, I'm filled with a deep sense of pride and purpose. Our annual report is more than numbers and achievements; it's a testament to our shared journey and collective potential. Behind each statistic in this report lies a story: a life transformed, a family supported, an opportunity seized, a business flourishing.

At the heart of our efforts lies the belief that every individual deserves opportunities that empower them, and every business should thrive with the right talent. The initiatives and impact reflected in this report are emblematic of our commitment to this vision.

Our partnerships are the lifeblood of our success, underscoring that our mission is a shared one. Together, we've made strides in addressing the pressing challenges of unemployment and bridging the talent gap.

We stand at an exciting time. Our local economy continues to grow jobs at rates above the region and state. Our workforce is growing at rates we haven't seen in decades. Growth in worker wages continues to outpace the rest of the state.

Yet, with every achievement, we're reminded of the road ahead. Despite the challenges, our steadfast vision, values, and partnerships instill confidence in our path forward. 

Thank you for being an integral part of this mission. Here's to the work we've done, the challenges we'll overcome, and the prosperous future we're building together.


With deep gratitude, 


Adam Peck, Executive Director

Past Annual REports
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