
Workforce Services for Businesses
The Workforce Investment Board offers comprehensive support to businesses through both traditional workforce development services and sector partnerships. Our services include talent recruitment, customized training programs, labor market insights, and layoff aversion strategies, all designed to address immediate workforce needs. Through our sector partnerships, we bring together businesses within key industries to collaborate on solutions, develop talent pipelines, and influence workforce policies, ensuring businesses have access to the skilled workers they need to grow and thrive.
Traditional Workforce Services
Recruitment Assistance
Customized promotion of job openings to job ready candidates.
Digital Marketing
Job Connect
Hiring Events
Employee Training
Training funds to provide entry-level workers
opportunities to receive skills training, promoting
employee growth and retention. ​
Skills development
Facilitated enrollment
Funds for training
Restructuring and & Downsizing Support
Customized, confidential services for businesses and their employees during downsizing, restructuring, and closures.
Workshops for employees
Rapid re-employment services
Employee retention supports​
No-Cost Human Resources Hotline
Access to a no-cost HR hotline for all Tulare County Employers Connect with a live HR expert for free.
Available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.​
Free monthly HR webinars are available (sponsors by the Central Valley Regional HR Hotline)
Labor Market Information
Current and relevant data to help businesses stay competitive.​
Wage analysis
Occupation and industry trends
Industry insights
Subsidized Employment
Access to job-ready candidates looking to build skills and work experience.
Pre-screened candidates
Reimbursement of wages during training
Customized support for the employer and employee
For questions, or additional information about workforce business services, contact:
Monica Andrade, Business Services Program Coordinator
559-713-5214 or mandrade@tularewib.org
Sector Partnerships
The WIB's Sector Partnerships connect businesses within key industries to collaborate on workforce challenges, develop tailored training solutions, and build talent pipelines. By participating, businesses gain access to a skilled workforce, influence regional training programs, and network with industry peers to drive growth and innovation. Together, we create a more robust and competitive local economy.
Tulare-Kings Healthcare Partnership: The Tulare-Kings Healthcare Partnership (TKHP) is an industry-driven alliance that addresses the healthcare industry's workforce, education, training, and competitiveness needs in Tulare and Kings Counties. Learn More
Industrial Partnership: The WIB, in partnership with the South Valley Industrial Collaborative (SVIC), is utilizing funding from the Good Jobs Challenge to establish industrial partnerships in the South Valley region. These partnerships aim to implement workforce training programs to equip workers with the skills necessary to secure quality jobs.
For questions or additional information about our sector partnership work, please contact
John Gonzalez, Business Services Manager
559-713-5203 or jgonzalez@tularewib.org
See Our Work in Action
Business Partner
Tulare-Kings Healthcare Partnership
Sector Partnership
Visalia Economic Development Corporation
Community Partner
South Valley Industrial Collaborative
Sector Partnership
Dinuba Health
Business Partner
Tulare County Office of Education
Community Partner